Chair Chair


Chair de colaboração global para formação de recursos humanos na área de Geomecânica de Reservatórios. Esta Cátedra (chair) Industrial em Simulação de Reservatórios de Petróleo cujo título é "Multiphysics Analysis, Optimization, and Uncertainty Propagation Applied to Reservoir Engineering" iniciou na UFPE em janeiro de 2010 sob o financiamento da Foundation Computer Modelling Group (CMG), localizada em Calgary (Alberta, Canadá), fundação da Empresa Energi Simulation. No Brasil a UFPE e a UNICAMP são as únicas instituições contempladas pela cátedra, com apoio da Petrobrás.

Duke Anderson
Duke Anderson
Duke Anderson

Duke Anderson

President, Energi Simulation

For over 10 years since launching an Energi Simulation Industrial Research Chair at UFPE, we have been very impressed with Dr. Leonardo Guimarães’ program, in the scope and delivery of the team’s research work, spanning from laboratory studies, reservoir characterization and modelling, to field applications, in support of the development of valuable energy resources in Brazil. As the University is aiming for excellence in innovation and internationalization, Energi Simulation is very pleased to continue as a partner in the process, with the renewal of Dr. Guimarães’ Chair program.